
So, what normally happens with me whenever I want to start writing consistently happened again.


I like teaching, for the most part (and this is another subject entirely that I think I’ll start writing on) but it does take some effort to be effective in the classroom. And even then, sometimes you feel like you’re not effective enough.

But I digress.

This space is solely focused on photography and the like. So let’s show a few captures I’ve managed over the past few months . . . err . . . almost six months now since I last posted.

Wind and the Waves - October 2020

Wind and the Waves - October 2020

I’ve definitely mentioned how much I like shooting at Tahoe when there’s a storm inching it’s way above the basin or when the wind has picked up enough to create some decently sized waves on the shoreline. It just makes me think about the coast and how much I love to shoot seascapes. And having an opportunity to make Tahoe look like a seascape also highlights how incredibly large the lake is.

Pano from the Eastern Shore - Dec. 2020

Pano from the Eastern Shore - Dec. 2020

This is a pano I took with the idea that the light wouldn’t get any better than this. Of course, in the back of my mind, I’ve seen Tahoe light up when the conditions were like this, but I wasn’t too sure about it this time. I was also lucky enough to have had a friend call me up, Glenn Lee Robinson (go check out his work, amazing photographer), who wanted to see more of the Eastern Shore.

Of course, Tahoe then decided to show off with the picture below.

Tahoe Glow - Dec. 2020

Tahoe Glow - Dec. 2020

I remember Glenn asking me if this was one of the best sunsets I’d seen at Tahoe.

“Definitely a Top-3 for me,” I said. Maybe even a Top-2.

First shot of the New Year.  Taken on New Year’s Day - 2021

First shot of the New Year. Taken on New Year’s Day - 2021

Lastly, here’s a shot of Bonsai Rock from the New Year. This capture was mainly due to my reluctance to really work around crowds. I’m pretty introverted by nature and if I see a large amount of cars parked in some of the pull-off spots on the eastern shore, I’ll probably drive by to find something with less people. Bonsai happen to have only 2 - 3 cars parked around the normal pull-off area and even then, I was really the only person here when I shot this.

I have a few more to post, but I’ll save those for later and see if I can get back to some consistency. I might try to get back up to Tahoe this weekend after the recent snowfall and get a good winter capture of Tahoe for the first time this year.


See What I Said About Inconsistency?


Photographic Progress . . .